About Our School » Arrival And Dismissal

Arrival And Dismissal

Arrival & Dismissal at Centerville
Doors open for students at 7:35am. Students can go directly to the cafeteria for a delicious breakfast, or go outside for morning recess until the 7:50 bell rings. All students should be in their classrooms at 7:55 ready for the day.
If you plan to drop your child off in the morning please be mindful that there are many parents trying to do so as well, so please pull all the way up towards the cafeteria to let your child/ren out.
Students will be dismissed at 2pm in the afternoon. Students will either take the bus, walk, or be picked up by a parent. At Centerville we will continue to use a rolling dismissal process to have an organized way for traffic to move through our parking lot. Due to the congestion that is created during dismissal please try not to come early as it adds to the congestion. The buses need to be able to exit school grounds easily. Students will be dismissed in this order:
  1. Bus Students
  2. Parent-Pick-up
  3. Walkers
*Please be patient when arriving to pick up your student. If you need to send someone else to pick up your child they will need to go to the office for verification.
*If you know you will be making changes to your child’s dismissal routine please send in a form for your child’s teacher. We understand that urgent situations arise, so please call us to let us know of any changes.
We expect all students to have a safe ride to school. Please remind students that they are to stay in their seat and be respectful of others. Loss of riding privileges may result in a failure to follow bus rules.